Dragon Ball Legends is a video game based on the Dragon Ball manganime, in which you become some of the most iconic characters from Akira Toriyama's work and participate in spectacular 3D battles.
The battles take place in real time, so you're able to directly control your character when moving, attacking, or dodging. However, the actions are also determined by a series of cards with energy requirements, which adds a strategic factor to the battles.
In Dragon Ball legends, you can fight online players from all over the world. And as you beat challenges, you can unlock new famous fighters such as Goku, Vegeta or Trunks, although there's also a never before seen character created just for the game, with a new plot arc designed by Toriyama himself.
Dragon Ball Legends is a great fighting game that borrows many features from the desktop releases, such as the great character design and animations, and gameplay with a close-up third person perspective.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 1.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
When is Dragon Ball Legends' anniversary?
Dragon Ball Legends' anniversary is May, 31. On that date, updates with additional features and free gifts, such as free summons, are released.
How much does Dragon Ball Legends for Android weigh?
Dragon Ball Legends APK for Android weighs about 115 MB, but the game needs to download additional files, so it may exceed 2-3 GB.
What are Dragon Ball Legends' minimum requirements for Android?
Dragon Ball Legends' minimum requirements for Android are at least 2 GB of RAM and over 3 GB of free storage. In addition, Android 6 or higher is required.
When will Dragon Ball Legends be released?
Dragon Ball Legends is available for Android since May 17, 2018.
it's good but I want an ultra instinct mastered Goku ultra
it weighs too much
It says checking device compatibility help please
What reason is it not available temporarily?
Dragon Ball Games Jojo
Change the country in the Play Store and play peacefully :)